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Common Pokemon Card Collecting Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Common Pokemon Card Collecting Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

What's your favorite Pokemon?

Pokemon is one of the longest-running names in the video game and kids' TV show industries. You may have a core memory of watching Pikachu and Ash Ketchum's adventures or grinding to become the best Pokemon trainer.

Pokemon also has its own card game, which has risen in popularity in recent years.

2020 birthed many new rare and valuable Pokemon cards, which only contributed to its fame. Are you looking to start a Pokemon card collection? Before you do, ensure you aren't making any of these Pokemon card-collecting mistakes.

Read on to discover beginners' most common mistakes when collecting Pokemon cards.

Not Having a Goal in Mind

The Pokemon card trading industry is vast, so it can be overwhelming to dive in headfirst. Having a goal can give you some direction. When you've spent enough time in Pokemon card trading, you will meet three types of people.

The first are hobbyists, who collect for pure nostalgia or fun. These people may already have an old collection and want to pick up where they left off. They may want to start a niche collection, looking for a specific type of Pokemon or cards from an old set.

Hobbyists often have the most fun choosing cards. You may even opt to collect alternate art cards that tickle that need for artistry.

The second type is competitive players. These people are looking to optimize their decks with powerful cards. The third are investors, who seek profit in trading or selling rare Pokemon cards.

Of course, you can always do a combination of two or all three! But why do people invest in Pokemon cards, and should you try them?

Why You Should Consider Investing in Pokemon Cards

Some of you may have old Pokemon cards sitting in the garage or attic from childhood. However, did you know that some of those cards might be worth 500% more than when you first got them? It may seem silly to invest in a card game, but there are plenty of reasons Pokemon TCG is so lucrative.

Pokemon TCG has Global Reach

Pokemon is a franchise that took the world by storm. Anyone can bond over their favorite Pokemon or debate which game was the best. That also means there are many active card traders everywhere who are willing to look at your collection.

It's Easy to Get Into

When people think of investing, they often turn to stocks or real estate. On the other hand, Pokemon is pretty simple and even fun to get into.

Some Cards Are More Valuable Than You Think

There's nothing like the excitement of opening a new booster pack and seeing what you'll get. While most of your cards will consist of commons, you can get a rare or even legendary card. If you have one from an old set, you ought to check its price.

Some Pokemon cards are so valuable because they have limited prints or aren't in rotation anymore. The demand only increases as time goes by, and so does the price. These are some of the rarest and most valuable Pokemon cards of all time.

Not Knowing How to Determine Pokemon Card Value

Whether you're looking to collect Pokemon cards for fun or profit, it's best to know how much your cards are worth. This can help you avoid overpaying your cards or getting excited over fake treasure. There have been many unauthorized sellers trying to distribute overpriced counterfeit cards.

Luckily, it's pretty easy to find out how much a card is actually worth. eBay is a great place to check the value of your cards. This auction-based website shows how much people are willing to pay for a certain Pokemon card.

You can also visit Amazon or a local card store to see its official retail price. However, remember that you may not be able to sell your cards for as much.

Professional Card Grading

If you think you have an ultra-rare card in your hands, it's best to get it graded. Card grading services can inspect each aspect of your card to see its value. They may look at its age, quality, and set and can also help verify its authenticity.

Card grading services often look at the card under a microscope to check for scratches. It also helps to ensure there haven't been any factory errors with printing. Card graders will pay close attention to the corners of the card to ensure there aren't any nicks along the edges.

Finally, they check the centering of the card. Pokemon cards were in mass production, so it's natural for some prints to be slightly skewed or off-center. Perfect center cards often have the highest score.

You can find out more about card grading here!

Only Buying Vintage Cards

It's true that vintage cards can fetch a handsome price. However, that doesn't mean you should limit yourself to that! The Pokemon TCG releases new sets every few months, each with one or more super rare cards.

It's crucial to remember that Pokemon has many active players looking to boost their deck. Each new card has the potential to change the meta in the competitive landscape. Even if you're focusing your collection on vintage pieces, you could be missing out on new finds.

Dip your feet into the modern Pokemon era and see what it has in store for you.

Collecting Cards Without Understanding the TCG

If you're collecting Pokemon cards for nostalgia or because they're pretty, no problem! However, depending on your goals, you can't collect Pokemon cards without understanding the TCG. Competitive players and collectors have one thing in common: they want rare cards.

Strong and useful competitive cards are rare. At the same time, rare cards tend to be the most useful in competitive play.

As a competitive player, staying updated with the most game-changing cards is only natural. As an investor looking to make a profit in the future, you want to know which cards are worth collecting and keeping. Some competitive staples don't even have to be rare to sell for a good price.

If you want to understand the true value of your card, it helps to learn the game itself.

There are three main types of Pokemon cards. These are trainer cards, energy cards, and, of course, Pokemon cards. Pokemon cards have three main rarities, which are common, uncommon, and rare.

Understanding the game can help you make informed decisions about which cards to buy. It also doesn't hurt to get into the game yourself if you're starting a collection. Pokemon is fun and can make the hobby a lot more worthwhile.

Having Only One Pokemon Card Seller

As mentioned, Pokemon has a huge community. You can go to any convention and find someone who wants to look through or share their binders. The social aspect of Pokemon is part of the reason that made it so exciting.

Many beginner card collectors stick to one seller and get comfortable. When starting a collection, it's best to expand your network. Reach out to people online, and don't be afraid to look at Pokemon card trading forums or websites.

Facebook and Instagram are great platforms for finding buyers and sellers. This enables you to compare deals and get and sell your desired card for the best price.

Jumping the Gun on Single Sales

The Pokemon industry is vast, meaning it's hard to keep up with what's hot and what's not. When you first start collecting cards, you'll often encounter huge sales on certain cards. Cards once in high demand will drop to 50% or lower than their original price.

It may seem like a huge deal, but in reality, these cards are pretty volatile. It doesn't mean there's been more or less supply and demand for that item.

Some collectors also buy cards in bulk and sell them to test the market. This helps them see if there will be a long-term demand for a card and if it will sell well. If you want to jump on a sale, look for cards that have established prices.

New cards that claim to be collectibles tend to be risky because they're so new.

People often jump the gun on card sales because they have a fear of missing out. If you want to invest in Pokemon cards, you need to think long-term.

A card's price may not be the same today or even in the next few days. Instead, study the market and determine how valuable this card will be in the long term. Don't buy a card because it's on sale – buy because you think it will add something to your collection.

Looking for Shortcuts to Success

Pokemon card collecting is attractive because it's not as difficult as stocks or crypto. However, that doesn't mean you can shortcut your way to making a profit. Many Pokemon card investors were able to profit after doing it for years.

They spend a lot of time studying and testing the market to see which cards have the most value. Like any investment, Pokemon card trading requires trial and error. You can learn plenty from experts, but the only way to make effective decisions is to do them yourself.

The only way to understand how the market flows is by going out and experiencing it. Many beginner Pokemon card investors tend to be impatient. Again, the Pokemon card industry is volatile.

Impatience will only lead you to make uninformed decisions that will disappoint you. It could take a whole year to determine whether a card or set is valuable or not. If you want to profit from Pokemon card investments, you need to be in it for the long run.

Being Close-Minded

Many people bond over Pokemon cards, their favorite sets, or investment strategies. However, many people also disagree and will challenge your opinion. Again, it takes time to see if a card will appreciate or depreciate in value.

While you may believe its value to increase, another collector may not. As an investor, this can be discouraging, especially when you consider how much you spend on cards. But keep in mind that investing is all about learning; sometimes, you must learn from mistakes and criticism.

Listening to other collectors' opinions can offer a fresh perspective. It can transform you into a smarter investor who makes better decisions.

Over-Paying for Pokemon Cards

One of the best things about collecting Pokemon cards is that you can start any time. However, as with any investment, it's crucial to have a budget. It's easy to overspend on cards, especially if you're prone to impulse buying.

You may be able to fish out one great card, but then you'll have a bunch of leftover cards that don't have much value. Make sure you can justify your "investment" before putting any real money down.

Grading cards can also cost a hefty sum, so take care when deciding which cards you want to have graded.

Improper Pokemon Card Storage

Card collecting is an expensive hobby, even if you only do it for fun. Your binders of common cards could stack up to hundreds or thousands of dollars. Always protect your investments with card sleeves.

Oil and sweat from your hands could easily wipe off your most precious holo-foil card. Cards are also prone to warping in humid temperatures. Double-sleeving your cards is the best way to maintain their quality, as it helps minimize moisture and dust.

Take care of your cards; one day, when you sell them, they will take care of you.

Common Pokemon Card-Collecting Mistakes to Avoid

Perhaps one of the biggest Pokemon card-collecting mistakes you can make is not having fun with the game. Even if you're looking to profit off your cards, don't be afraid to try out a new deck or play a game with your local card community. Pokemon card collecting is a hobby, after all.

Are you ready to start your Pokemon card collection? Check out our store to see our stock of booster boxes.

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